The Funeral for the highest profile victim of last week’s church massacre, Rev. Clementa Pinkney, was held today… President Obama felt the need to fly in personally to do the eulogy, which means the taxpayers shelled out several hundreds of thousands of dollars to transport him and his entourage to Charlotte, North Carolina and back to Washington.
I’d be willing to bet that prior to last week Obama never knew the man beyond what limited contact he may have had while campaigning. So what makes him the one qualified to speak at the funeral? The only reason Obama is even showing any grief for the loss of life is because it’s a black man who was shot by a white man and it gives Obama an opportunity to show boat in front of the cameras. He likes to make us believe that he gives a crap about violence in this country. I bet not a day goes by where some black man in his home town of Chicago isn’t gunned down by another black man, but those incidences get overlooked as being just another day in the big city.
It’s simply another example of the reverse racism that Obama has exhibited over and over again during his terms in office.