I’m pretty sure I know why nobody in the media or any of the liberal Democrats running for their party nomination to run for president will discuss how Bernie Sander’s Medicare for All plan would work…
It’s because the only way to reduce the cost of health care is for the government to take total control of the health care system and dictate what hospitals and doctors can charge for their services. The other part of any cost reduction would have to include a government panel that dictates wither or not you qualify for certain medical procedures. If that open heart operation or hip replacement isn’t deemed to be cost effective based on your age and/or condition then you’ll be sent home with some pain pills with the expectation that you will die soon.
Limiting hospitals ability to pay for the talent necessary to run the facility effectively will drive those CEO’s into other industries or out of the country all together. Limiting how much a doctor can make while dictating how many patients they must see in a day will drive anyone who would migrate to the health care field to look at more lucrative and less regulated careers. This will create a situation where the expertise within our medical personnel will begin resembling those of a third world country. There would be few if any new hospitals being build and purchases of the latest best diagnosis equipment will be put on the back burner. All that means in a few short years the physical condition of our medical facilities will be kept together with bubble gum and Band-Aids..
Just the idea that Sanders thinks that the US Government could possibly run the entire health care system in this country with any degree of efficiency makes me believe that he has his head up his ass. The same goes for anyone who believes that Sanders’ Medicare of All plan has any chance of working.