Last week we had another horrific mass murder occur on a school campus. However somehow this one seems different… The school administrators, fellow students and the FBI all dropped the ball identifying the shooter as a danger to society in the months leading up to his rampage, but that’s not what the conversation has been about. The FBI was quick to come up with what I call a lame excuse for their inaction. However in my opinion they have a lot of explaining to do why they failed to follow up on all the reported red flags that they had a potential shooter on the horizon. It also seems like the gun control advocates we’re on the scene even before…
Read moreAnother 17 Dead
Another day another school shooting… this time in South Florida at a High School that has left 17 dead. We’re once again reminded that if we see something or feel something isn’t right to say something. Well in this case someone did and nothing was done to stop the carnage. Back in Sept 2017 a YouTube vlogger reported to the FBI that someone had commented on one of his videos that he was going to be a professional school shooter. Turns out the name used on the comment matches that of our latest murderer, so the FBI could have taken this ass off the streets long before he had the chance to carry out his plans to shoot up his…
Read moreSalary Gap Outrage
The big story hitting the main street and social media this week is the huge pay gap between the stars of the movie ‘All the Money in the World.’ People were quick to become outraged when it was reported that Mark Wahlberg was paid $1.5 million for required reshoots while his female co-star Michelle Williams got less than $1,000 for hers. Like most anything in the news these days those getting their panties in a wad aren’t getting the whole story… It turns out that Williams original contract included any required reshoots so the production company didn’t have to pay her anything. In contrast Wahlberg’s contract didn’t include such a clause so when they wanted him to do the required…
Read moreTime Magazine’s Person of the Year
Time Magazine announced their person of the year for 2017… “The Silence Breakers.” So Time Magazine feels that a bunch of women who are making accusations of sexual misconduct that are in some cases decades old to be the most influential and most important person of 2017. What a crying PC shame. Of course the short list of candidates included the leaders of China and North Korea, so their choice could have been even more idiotic. I’m not trying to diminish the severity of any unwanted sexual contact or harassment, but lets face it men are pigs, they have always been pigs and will more than likely always be pigs. Most keep those thoughts and actions in check… a select…
Read moreSeasteading
A story on Drudge is where I first heard of the term, which is the concept of living in a floating self-contained city. The non-profit group, Seasteading Intitute, based in San Francisco has been floating (forgive the pun) the idea since their formation in 2008. Funded by some sort of virtual currency they have gotten the blessing of the French Polynesia to use a portion of their coastal area to test and build the first floating island city. People since the dawn of man have been dreaming of such a utopia… seems now that we have an over abundance of billionaires who lean to the far left and have swallowed the climate change pill a serious attempt at creating just…
Read moreAnother Nut Case With A Gun and A Grudge
Here we go again… another mass shooting. This time 26 people, half of them children, were gunned down during Sunday church service. The only reason that more people weren’t killed by this pathetic excuse for a man was that a neighbor with a gun had the courage to fire back at him and chase him until he got stuck in a ditch… at which time the coward apparently decided to end his own life rather than take responsibility for his gruesome actions. The debate by the liberals will ramp up again demanding more gun control… more of the same empty arguments when the problem isn’t the guns it’s the nut cases that shouldn’t have them. We need to do a…
Read moreHillary’s Body Double?
The conspiracy theorists are working overtime on the idea that Hillary Clinton is using a body double to show the press that she is healthy and I’m inclined to think there is definitely something funny going on. Hillary left yesterday’s 9/11 ceremony in New York City early and appears to pass out or collapse as she is being helped into a waiting van surrounded by a huge entourage that appears to be purposely shielding Hillary from the public eye. The campaign immediately released a statement that she was dehydrated and overheated. Soon after which it was said that she was diagnosed with pneumonia on Friday and was being treated with anti-biotics and ordered to take the next few days off…
Read moreDallas Massacre
When is the Black community going to realize that if you want to be treated with respect and dignity you have to start expecting that from your peers and teaching your children to do the same. I get so irritated when I hear some (black) moron being interviewed on the radio or television who is saying they have to teach their children to submit to the man or get shot… What they are really doing is transferring their prejudices and racism onto their children and therefore perpetuating the racial divide that plagues our society.
Read moreUmpqua Comm College Mass Shooting
Let me start by saying I feel so very sorry for the parents of the 9 students killed yesterday at Umpqua Community Collage. They did nothing wrong and shouldn’t have to be going through the grief of loosing a child. Their children did nothing wrong, they just happened to be in the line of site at the very moment that this particular nut case decided to snap. As horrific as this tragedy is, I’m afraid that the worse is yet to come. Obama has already made his typical stump speech about how we need more gun control and better ways to sort out and identify the mentally ill as a method to stop this kind of mass killings. His loyal…
Read moreBen Affleck’s Ancestor – Slave Owner
Ben Affleck is under fire and I really don’t understand why there is such an uproar… apparently during the search of Affleck’s ancestry for the show on PBS called Finding Your Roots it was discovered that one of his distant relatives owned slaves. Being embarrassed by that fact Affleck lobbied and ultimately convinced the directors to purge that information from the show. So what do we know? A distant relative of Ben Affleck was a slave owner during a time when it was legal and morally accepted to do so and being embarrassed by that information Affleck asked the producers not to use it for the show. So I have to repeat myself… why such an uproar? If we put…
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